Dream a New World


Do you believe it’s possible to dream a new world into being? In fact, my teachers and guides tell me that THIS the purpose of this difficult time right now. They share with me that NOW is the time to … Read More

STOP being a People Pleaser


News Flash – there is a HUGE difference between accommodating someone to honor the relationship and being a persistent people pleaser. Do you know the difference? Sometimes accommodating others is necessary to sustain a relationship that you value, even when … Read More

What *is* Cacao Ceremony, anyway?


Cacao medicine is a path to your heart. The wise elders tell us that whenever the balance between humans and nature become threatened, cacao spirit comes from the rainforest to open our heart and establish harmony again.  Unlike many plants … Read More

The Art and Medicine of Chocolate


If you’ve been reading me for a while now, you know that I’ve been on a multi-year journey using Cacao as Medicine.  In my daily meditation this past weekend, I found myself looking back at how my connection with cacao … Read More

Living the S L O W life


There’s a certain alchemy that happens when I embrace S L O W — and when I cultivate the patience necessary to achieve the things that matter to me. I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. The things that … Read More

Finding Freedom in Uncertain Times


A very real, yet unexpected, consequence of the uncertainty surrounding 2020 is a sense of freedom I feel from finding that illusive sense of contentment.  Over the summer this contentment took me by surprise. I’ve slowed down, I’ve gone within, … Read More

Let Go and Enter the Flow


Are you ready to begin that new cycle again? The New Moon will rise on the 17th in the sign of Virgo, giving you yet another opportunity to liberate yourself from the delusions and past agendas that have not worked. As … Read More

Peace Starts Within


I know you’re angry. I’m angry, too. But I believe that peace starts within us. We cannot bring to the world what we do not have to offer it ourself. Today I want to encourage all of us to find … Read More

Wisdom of the Shamanic Way


In this era of science and technology, many of us have lost touch with the sacred traditions and ceremonies that, in times past, kept us connected to community and the divine. As we step into the stream of ever more … Read More

Grass is Greener


How does your Inner Garden grow these days? Imagine that you are your own garden. In this garden, you grow something called Your Life. Imagine harvesting that which you plant. Ask yourself what seeds are you planting today? Your thoughts … Read More

Goodbye 2019


The last Full Moon of the year, of the decade, is upon us. Are you ready to say your final farewell to the stories of the past that have kept you stuck, and move into the next decade with the grace … Read More

Grieving with Gratitude


Here’s a real life situation, that at some time or another, we all face — grieving a loss of something we love. It may be a person, a situation, an end of a relationship, loss of a job, or in … Read More

Building Your Solid Foundation


Here’s a question… How strong is your inner foundation? I ask because yesterday as I was working on the details of the IGNITE 2020 Retreat I pulled an Oracle Card to guide me — and what came forward was a … Read More

Living Your Sustainable Life


I’ve been thinking about sustainability lately, and with the IGNITE 2020 Retreat happening here on the farm in January, I’ve been mulling around about what it takes to live a sustainable life — not necessarily in an environmental way, but … Read More

When we are safe, we don’t take risks


If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I’m a firm believer in overcoming hidden fears. You know that what I teach is all about resetting your mindset and aligning it with your authentic truth.  In my … Read More

Weave Your Unique Fabric


Have you ever participated in a Temezcal Ceremony? For those of you who don’t know what that is, it’s is a type of sweat lodge which originated with pre-Hispanic Indigenous peoples in Mesoamerica and is used for purification, renewal, and healing.  This weekend I had the honor … Read More

A Simple Exercise to Prepare for 2020


First, let me apologize for going MIA last week. I try to write each Mindful Moment on Monday, and last week life just got in the way. Thanks for understanding. This week, dear one, I want to expand on why … Read More

Are You Ready for the Next Decade


Think about this… once we enter January, we enter a fresh, new decade – an exciting shift and a brand new chapter.   If you’ve been following me for a while now, you know that I look to astrology to suss out the energy … Read More

3 Ways to Invest in Yourself


Welcome to June, dear one. On deck this month is the topic of wealth, abundance, and prosperity.   With today’s New Moon lunar energy focused on your investments, it seems to me the most important one is the investment in yourself.  … Read More

Do You Give Yourself Permission?


In celebration of this month’s theme of INTENTION, I want to close out the month with something that I feel so many of us struggle with — and that’s giving yourself the permission to fully live your best life. Let me … Read More

Practice to Achieve


I’m sure you know by now that I’m a huge proponent of having a morning practice. Much like taking a shower or brushing my teeth, I give myself anywhere from 10-30 minutes for dedicated self-time every day.  I practice in … Read More

How Intentions differ from Goals


Here’s a question I’m asked a lot: “What’s the difference between setting a goal and setting an intention?” The answer can be a real game-changer when it comes to personal and professional effectiveness. I like to look at goals as the … Read More

5 Reasons Why Hard Work Doesn’t Guarantee Success.


“Destroy the idea that you have to be constantly working or grinding in order to be successful. Embrace the concept that rest, recovery, and reflection are essential parts of the progress towards a successful and ultimately happy life.” — unknown … Read More

Avoid These 8 Behaviors That Keep You Stuck


Here’s a quote that I love — “The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.” — Joseph Cambell.  The time is now to show the world the REAL You. You’re ready, and this space in time between the … Read More

Remembering Your Worth


Remembering… remembering because so many of us have forgotten. So many of us are conditioned to think and feel that our worth is outside of ourselves. Here’s the truth… We are all born worthy. Our world and society will have … Read More

3 Unexpected Benefits from Listening to Your Inner Wisdom


I used to live my life at a way faster pace than I do now. I was a people pleaser who couldn’t say no. I would say yes to everything, then juggle it all to fit into life. In the … Read More

Keep your intentions ON TRACK with a quarterly check-in


It may be hard to believe, but we’re almost a quarter of the way through 2019 already. I don’t know about you, but I’ve had to make some shifts and adjustments to the intentions I’ve set at the beginning of … Read More

3 Hidden Fears Preventing You From Receiving with Grace and Ease


If you’ve been following my writing for a while, you know that I share a lot about hidden fears. Hidden fears are those subconscious beliefs that stay hidden from our conscious mind, that hinder our success, and sabotage our dreams … Read More

5 Tips to Lead an Authentic Life


I have a theme word for this year, it’s integration. My big, juicy intention for this year is to integrate all the various parts of myself into one authentic whole. What I’ve realized is that I’ve been living in separation. … Read More

3 Reasons Why Asking For Help IS Courageous


In my family of origin, self-sufficiency was something that was praised and admired, even more so when times got tough. I grew up in this bootstrapping environment, for better or worse. While I experienced my fair share of struggles in … Read More

Tuning into the Radio Station of the Soul


Another year has come around again for me. I turned 55 on Saturday, under the energetic influence of the Super Blood Full Moon Eclipse. In today’s Mindful Moment, I wanted to share how listening to my own station within has … Read More

4 Things I Learned Hosting IGNITE 2019 Retreat


The idea of hosting a retreat emerged through my daily practice. It was inspired by my love of the monthly intention rituals I host online, and the idea of bringing women together in sisterhood. I saw that there were many … Read More

My Guide to Setting Meaningful Intentions in 2019


Welcome to the New Year dear soul. January is a time of refocusing, renewal and of creating a fresh start. Personally, I don’t set New Year’s resolutions, but I do calibrate my yearly compass by setting an intention. This year, … Read More

So what’s the difference between Goals and Intentions anyway?


Here’s a question I’m asked a lot: “What’s the difference between setting a goal and setting an intention?” The answer can be a real game-changer when it comes to personal and professional effectiveness. I like to look at goals as … Read More

Make the Leap


In today’s Mindful Moment, I wanted to talk about taking a leap of faith. Taking the leap is one of my superpowers. Call me nieve, call me crazy, call me courageous. They all fit. Whether it’s launching a new business … Read More

4 Things to Consider If You’re Not Manifesting Your Desires


In today’s mindful moment, I wanted to share with you some of the reasons that you might continue to stay stuck, unable to manifest your biggest desires. There are a lot of articles on manifesting available on the internet, but … Read More

5 Ways to Cultivate Trust to Strengthen Intuition and Inner Wisdom


This morning I pulled an Angle Card as part of my daily practice. Have you seen them? It’s an adorable box containing 52 playfully illustrated keywords that help you focus on particular aspects of your inner life. I like to … Read More

4 Tips for Crafting a Daily Practice


I want to hear about your daily practice. As part of my daily practice I start the day by spending some uninterrupted time with myself. I look over yesterday to see where the moments of joy occurred, and identify those … Read More

Be grateful for the VIP in your life.


In today’s Mindful Moment, let’s take a look at gratitude from a perspective that is often overlooked. So often our gratitude practice is externally focused… gratitude for family, gratitude for nature, our pets, our stuff. But don’t forget that VIP … Read More

4 Signs to Know It’s Time to Take a Break


Here’s the bad news! As a society, we’re pretty bad at giving ourselves permission to take a break. And once we do give ourselves that long desired respite, we find it difficult to unplug completely. Infact, in a recent Glassdoor … Read More

Tap into nature’s wisdom and increase your intuition.


Here’s a quick tip for tapping into nature’s wisdom to increase your intuition. Give yourself a few minutes outside, or if you can’t get outside, sit by a window where you can gaze outward. Allow your breath to deepen and your … Read More

Spread Your Wings & Fly


“Be like the bird that, pausing in her flight awhile on boughs too slight, feels them give way beneath her, and yet sings, knowing that she hath wings.” ~ Victor Hugo In today’s mindful moment, I ask you to consider … Read More

You Are Enough


It’s becoming almost cliché, however I’d like to suggest that you take a moment right now to remember that you are enough. It’s easy to hear these words and dismiss them as fluff, but the truth is that you are enough. Can … Read More

Course Correcting Negative Thoughts


I know we all struggle with negative thinking from time to time. Sometimes it’s the inner critic that won’t shut up, other times it’s worry that keeps you spinning, and still others it’s anxiety that grips you with it’s stranglehold. … Read More

6 Health Benefits of Attending a Retreat (in Tropical Panama)


Here’s the thing, there are many more reasons to take a break than just to escape to a tropical climate for some fun in the sun. There are measurable health benefits to taking some much needed R&R. Here is the … Read More

What do I need NOW to open my heart


When I open my heart to myself, I open the door to unconditional love. When I open my heart to myself, I expand my consciousness. When I love myself, I create my own safe haven, where I am free to … Read More

Mid Year Intentions Check-Up


Have you felt like it’s time to kick start your intentions to move your big dreams forward? Do you want to cultivate the creative power to amplify your desires so that you manifest them in the next 6 months? At … Read More

Energy Flows Where Intention Goes


Intention has the power to change your life. But what does setting intention really mean? Setting an intention is activating a part of your receptivity, to your ability to receive. It’s like a roadmap to going to your desired destination. … Read More

Why Mentors Matter


Who is your mentor? Honestly, It wasn’t until I began to seriously invest in myself that the big shifts began to happen. I had spent years, and I do mean YEARS, trying to hodgepodge together the skills and knowledge, the … Read More

From an Interns Point of View


As soon as I got off the plane in Panama, my skin became hot and sticky as the humidity hit me like a wall. I have been attending an international university in Japan and am currently on a one-year exchange … Read More

What’s good in your life?


Seriously, good thoughts create more good thoughts, so why not spend some time thinking about what’s good in life, instead of worrying about what’s not yet going right. Take a second right now. Stop scrolling and ask yourself “What’s good … Read More

APRIL 30 WORKSHOP: 3 Life Changing Habits To Quiet Your Inner Critic


Have you ever had the feeling that your inner critic is just a BIG BULLY? Do you know you have more to give, more to share, but your inner critic makes you feel like you don’t deserve it, or your … Read More

On Courage and Risk Taking


What’s your biggest fear as you cultivate courage right now? What keeps you up at night? I recently spoke with 11 women about courage and risk taking. They were fascinating conversations. The women were all asked the same questions, presented … Read More

Be Your Own Valentine


Everything in life is about relationships. I believe that when I deeply connect with myself I am better able to make meaningful connections with others.  And one thing I’ve learned is that when I practice keeping my relationship with myself solid, the … Read More

3 Effective Ways to Establish Firm Boundaries


In my past, I was never very good at setting boundaries. In childhood, I didn’t understand anything about boundaries, and the adults around me did not model this behavior with any sense of consistency. Without the skills or good role … Read More

3 Radical Reasons To Celebrate Your Accomplishments


Today I am celebrating the Full Moon in Gemini. As with all full moons, this is a potent time to go within, to reflect on what has been completed, and to acknowledge all that has been created in this cycle. This is … Read More

January Retreat Registration Closes Sunday 12/11


REGISTRATION CLOSES SUNDAY DEC 11 Don’t miss this beautiful opportunity for self love in paradise. There are currently 4 more exquisite spaces left. Will you join us? We will gather together at the fabulous Villa AMA Estancia. A property owned … Read More

3 Unexpected Values Professionals Find When Expressing Vulnerability


How many times recently were you brave enough to do something where you might look stupid or unsure about what you were doing? That action I would define as courage. The opposite of courage is vulnerability. Merriam-Webster defines vulnerability as: 1. capable … Read More

Biriba Cacao Frozen Delights


The Rollinia delicious trees are dripping heavy fruit and I’m still not quite sure how to enjoy this tropical from the Annona family. Locally, the fruit is called biriba or wild sugar apple.  Scooping it fresh from it’s skin is a sensuous … Read More

3 reasons why JOY is essential to life


I’m sure you’ve heard the old saying “Laughter is the best medicine”?That’s because there is wisdom in these words. Happiness and joy are essential qualities that are necessary in our process of cultivating self love. Joy shuts down cortisol, adrenaline, … Read More

6 Health Benefits of Guava


Last night, the intoxicating strong and sweet fragrance of the fallen guava fruit called to me and nudged me into harvesting several of the ripe fruit today. These small, round fruit are loaded with tiny hard seeds at their center, … Read More

How Short-Term Internships Provide Long-Term Benefits


Guy and I just wrapped up a three week internship. He came to Panama to participate in a summer internship during his last year of school before graduation. As an alum of Northeastern University, I have personally benefited from the … Read More

5 Ways Female Executives Can Strengthen their Self-Esteem


In today’s corporate world, much research has been done on the effects of self-esteem in the workplace. As Sheryl Sandburg explains in her book ‘Lean-In,” often low self-esteem is what holds women back from advancement in their careers. She says … Read More

The Hand-Built Adobe Farmhouse


The vision and construction of the hand built adobe farmhouse was perhaps my biggest art project yet. Over the next few weeks I’ll be adding to this story. In the meantime, enjoy these photos documenting the process.