6 Health Benefits of Attending a Retreat (in Tropical Panama)

Here’s the thing, there are many more reasons to take a break than just to escape to a tropical climate for some fun in the sun. There are measurable health benefits to taking some much needed R&R. Here is the inside scoop on how taking time for yourself truly affects every area of your life.

Taking time to decompress is essential, not only for your well being, but for maintaining sanity after returning back home. What better time to do so than after the busy holidays and the celebrations of the New Year.

Retreats help you feel alive, they allow you to recharge and replenish your life both inside and out. This is exactly what they’re meant to do — they’re meant to make you think more clearly, and feel free to let go and truly relax.

Here are my top 6 health benefits to take away from attending a retreat:

It doesn’t matter if your an entrepreneur or an established CEO of a major company, everyone needs time off from work and from a regular routine. When you take the time to recharge yourself, you not only relieve stress, you get better sleep, and leave behind the typical daily concerns that occupy your everyday life. When you leave behind the winter doldrums for a tropical retreat, you experience fresh air and sunshine.

When you participate in a retreat, you are fostering creativity and connecting to yourself in a deep and sacred way. This reconnection is a form of renewal of your life values, your overarching mission and your life purpose. Clarifying your sense of self during a retreat allows you to return to work fully refreshed and refocused. It gives you a major boost that increases your ability to think more clearly and improve your overall life performance once your return home.

When you return from retreat, you strengthen the bonds to the people who are important in you life. The rest, relaxation, and clarity obtained on the retreat makes you feel better. When you feel better, you are more open to improve the relationships you have with others. When you don’t allow yourself this sacred “self” time, you tend to get frustrated more easily, feel irritable and cranky with others, and experience more overall unease with daily life.

According to the experts, retreats and healthy get-a-ways are essential to getting your life back on track. When you take care of your inner landscape, your mind, your life, while in a relaxing and nourishing environment, you reset your intentions, relax your expectations, and recommit to living your best life. Re-examining your choices from a clear vantage point creates the opportunity to consciously choose to embrace your happy, vibrant life. The benefits of this intentional disruption from daily life helps to turn your life around and make you feel alive and ready to take on the world again.

When was the last time you unplugged from your devices? For so many, it’s almost impossible to get away from the daily distractions and connect with the other humans around you. Even a short break from technology creates a more peaceful state within you. Your breath deepens, you begin to relax. Cutting the cord for a few days allows you to think more as you step away from the multitasking that is associated with using digital devices. When you unplug, even for a few days, you give yourself the gift of easing anxiety, feeling more creative and strengthening your healthy boundaries. You might even bring this healthy habit home with you.

Panama is easily one of the most safe and biologically diverse countries in Central America, with mountains, oceans, rainforests and cloud forests. Panama is home to an astounding range of exotic flora and fauna that sits at the crossroads of the Americas. Retreating in a relaxing laid back environment tucked into a lush tropical green valley promotes wellbeing, improves working memory, and increases energy and feeling alive. Being in a warm climate surrounded by fresh air reduces anxiety, beats depression and improves your mood.

Ignite Your Best Life 2019 Retreat — January 25, 26 and 27, 2019.

Now that you’re ready to hop on an airplane for a warm and sunny tropical destination to reset and embrace the happy, healthly, and vibrant life you crave in 2019— join me in paradise for a weekend intensive and develop your personal roadmap for navigating the unique journey into your fulfilled life in the new year.

∞ Leave behind the self-sabotage so you can fulfill your greatest dreams.
∞ Let go of procrastination so that you can own everyday like a rockstar.
∞ Release the self-doubt so that you can have the confidence that’s yours to claim.
∞ Say goodbye to your limiting beliefs so that you can master your value and self worth.
∞ Leave the retreat knowing that you have set solid intentions and have the roadmap necessary to steer 2019 into YOUR BEST YEAR yet.

This experience will be intimate and personal. Spaces are limited — save the date and add yourself to the pre-registration list for the best prices! Email lyn@lynbishop.com with RETREAT19 in the Subject and you’ll be the first to be notified when enrollment opens on October 1st.

Open My Heart

What do I need NOW to open my heart

posted in: Uncategorized 91

When I open my heart to myself, I open the door to unconditional love.

When I open my heart to myself, I expand my consciousness.

When I love myself, I create my own safe haven, where I am free to fully express myself for who I am and to realize my dreams.

When I open my heart to love myself without qualification, I develop the foundation for understanding, caring for and knowing myself.

My difficulty with loving myself directly impacts the thoughts I have, the feelings I feel, the choices I make, the relationships I select and how I perceive and react to every life situation.

I realize that these feelings are not my fault. My heart has disconnected from my true being in it’s best effort to keep me safe. I closed my heart, I took things personally, I blamed others because I though myself unlovable, not good enough, or that something was wrong with me.

I have learned that the key to self-love is knowing and accepting my true being. I trust in my experience as unique and valuable. I open my heart, I observe my thoughts, I acknowledge my feeling. I quiet my inner critic.

Opening my heart is vulnerable. I release my burdens so that my heart can open even more. My open heart is a conduit to my life force, allowing me to receive and transmit love energy freely and to feel compassion, well being and tap into my own intuitive creativity.

When my heart is open, I feel the warm waves of energy vibrating within the center of my chest, and these waves emanate outwards from my body in all directions.

I realize that the choice is mine. I know it is my divine right to open my heart to my own self-love. I see how this leads to a richer, more expansive life. I have gratitude for my journey. I trust myself to see the guidance given to me by living with my open heart. I listen to the voice in my head that loves me, and does not judge me.

What about you? How do you open your heart to Love Yourself Now?

Mid Year Intentions Check-Up

Have you felt like it’s time to kick start your intentions to move your big dreams forward?

Do you want to cultivate the creative power to amplify your desires so that you manifest them in the next 6 months?

At the start of every new year I write out my big dreams and visions that I want to manifest in the coming 12 months.

And while I keep this list of dreams and desires in my journal for easy reference, I personally find that I benefit from a mid-year check up to make sure that I am on track or consider if I need to change course to create that which is most important to me.

Especially in July. July is the midpoint of the year. I like to use the new moon as the time to create this ritual of checking in, and diving into the details that are most important in the next six months of my life.

This is the time that I get really specific and real with myself. I ask myself if the intentions I set in January are still important to me. I ask myself what is most important, what’s my ultimate priority to manifest before the end of the year?

And during the new moon I’d like to invoke ritual and get creative with my intentions. I allow myself to dream big. In the process of dreaming big I try my very best to visualize the intention as if it’s already been manifested. And I tap into my self love, letting myself know that I am worthy of my desires.

And under the dark of the new moon I let it go, I release it and I allow the universe to to take control. But let me be clear here… I don’t forget about it — I just get out of my own way.

I do however check in with my intentions weekly and do the small acts of kindness for myself that move this intention forward.

If you’d like an opportunity to have some support and accountability for your intentions, I’d be honored to schedule a complementary session to get you back on track.

To take advantage of this opportunity send an email to lyn@lynbishop.com with “New Moon Intentions” in the subject line. I’ll be back in touch ASAP with available times. I can’t wait for you to be re-inspired to reignite your most important intentions.

Infinite ∞ Love,

Energy Flows Where Intention Goes

posted in: Uncategorized 2

Intention has the power to change your life.

But what does setting intention really mean?

Setting an intention is activating a part of your receptivity, to your ability to receive. It’s like a roadmap to going to your desired destination. The power of the intention helps you navigate your way to get there. 

Often times we let the day, or the week, or the month, happen organically. And while there is something wonderful about going with the flow, there is something very powerful in setting intention.

When we set an intention we activate our receptivity and our power to manifest and we put out that which we intend to attract or call into our life — and that’s where the real power is.

Intentions don’t have to be just about tangible and physical things they can be about how we wish to operate internally or about what we want to call into our own internal landscape.

The power is to check in with our mind, body, and spirit and really except and acknowledge and activate that desire in our life.

Once you have an intention in mind you want to share it with the universe. When we let our spiritual support team know clearly what it is that we desire that’s when the magic can begin to show up.

I personally find that using ritual to set intentions and communicate with my spiritual support team is a potent and powerful way to communicate my desire. I invoke self-care and journaling, and perhaps most importantly gratitude.

Gratitude is such an important part of the intention setting process because if you’re always wanting and you’re not acknowledging the gratitude in your life, you’re communicating from a state of scarcity.

One of the ways that I practice my intention setting is every morning when I wake up I connect to my heart for a few moments. I breathe and I send myself love and kindness in this moment. I send love to my community and the greater world around me and from that place of love and gratitude I set my daily intention.

In my Love Yourself Now 12 week Journey we learn how to use a daily intention, a weekly intention, and intention for the whole 12 weeks to create the life we truly are worthy to live.

If you would like to learn more about my signatures style of self love coaching reach out and I’d be happy to share more with you. My intention is to be a resource for those of us who wish to create and embrace the amazing life that we’ve come here to live.

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