My Guide to Setting Meaningful Intentions

My Guide to Setting Meaningful Intentions in 2019

posted in: Love Yourself Now 3

Welcome to the New Year dear soul. January is a time of refocusing, renewal and of creating a fresh start.

Personally, I don’t set New Year’s resolutions, but I do calibrate my yearly compass by setting an intention. This year, my intention is based on the overarching theme of INTEGRATION. I love choosing one word to carry me through the year.

For those of us that follow astrology, it’s said that the last 7 years have been a time of clearing out. This could be clearing ancestral connections, attachments that no longer serve us, and old wounds that have continued to keep us stuck.

I know for myself, this energy came to a peak for me last spring and summer. It was a time where I set clear boundaries in my friendships, invested in therapy with my Mom, and let go of attachments that had been toxic to me. I spent time in meditation and reconnected with my Qigong training to clear the emotions attached to my ancestral lineage. As I look back, 2018 was a time of purging the stuck emotions and wounds of my past.

This new year begins a new 7-year cycle. It’s said that this cycle, from 2019 – 2026, is a cycle of new beginnings, of higher elevation and of the energy of rising up. For those of us who have been feeling stuck, or struggling to manifest our greatest desires, this year gives us the opportunity to create a new blueprint.

This month, especially, is a month of internal reflection. It’s a time to listen deeply to our inner landscape. It’s a time to slow down and review things. When we stop and take the time to fill up our own cup we can powerfully set the foundation for this next cycle.

Here’s the thing, we have to make the time for our inner reflection. I know life keeps us in a cycle of busy, busy, busy, but you and I know that there will never be time unless we stop and make the time.

So this month, allow yourself the internal reflection. Take the time to get quiet and create the vision for what you want to see for yourself and the world in the next 7 years. By doing so, you set a very powerful ripple into motion that will amplify your intentions throughout the year.

Know that the inner work that you do right now will set you up to take inspired action as we move into the end of the month. Set your foundation, draw up your blueprint, and recalibrate your compass to your true north.

If you’re interested in knowing more about the energy of this year, here are a few videos from Lee Harris & Molly McCord.

I hope you enjoyed this mindful moment. I always love reading your thoughts and comments, so go ahead and share them.

Infinite ∞ Love, Lyn

Intention vs Goals

So what’s the difference between Goals and Intentions anyway?

posted in: Love Yourself Now 2

Here’s a question I’m asked a lot: “What’s the difference between setting a goal and setting an intention?” The answer can be a real game-changer when it comes to personal and professional effectiveness.

I like to look at goals as the final destination, as that specific achievement that we desire. Goals tend to be future-focused, external and outside of ourselves.

Setting a goal is a mental process, one where we analyze, plan and reason with ourselves. Goals, by themselves, can trigger an all-or-nothing mentality within us.

We like to think we’re in control of the goal, and all the steps it will take to achieve it, however, so often life gets in the way of our grand plan. Sometimes it’s just hard to stay on track with all of the daily distractions.

Intentions, on the other hand, are based in the present moment, independent of the final goal. They promote a sense of discovery and expansion and allow us to celebrate the little wins along the way. Intention aligns us with our inner creative intelligence.

Intentions are the energy we hold inside of ourselves as we move towards that which we want. They are created from a place of love, and by releasing the fear of not accomplishing that big goal we’ve set for ourselves.

Here are 3 distinct differences between a goal and an intention:

• Goal = future focused vs. Intention = present moment
• Goal = destination vs. Intention = daily actions
• Goal = external achievements vs. Intention = relationship with yourself

I’ve been hosting lunar inspired intention rituals every month for the past year, and find them to be a potent practice in staying focused on the present moment while I’m striving for a bigger end result.

Together with a morning practice where I set forth a daily intention, focusing on the energetics of how I want to feel and what I want to experience as I take steps towards that larger goal creates greater momentum and more joy in my life.

I like to use this process in the mornings to set my intention for the day. If you’re curious about intention setting, I invite you to give it a try.

  1. Daydream about your big vision as if it has already been manifested.
  2. Tap into your inner senses and ask yourself: How will it feel, look, be for me once it’s complete? See yourself moving through your life with your big vision achieved. Who will you be? What will your life look like? Who are you with? What will you be doing? Allow yourself to image it fully.
  3. Then, think about the daily situations you could experience during your day today. See yourself moving through your day in a way that brings you joy and pleasure. What are you doing? How are you interacting with others? What are you celebrating? Imagine having the best day ever.
  4. Once you’ve seen the outcomes you desire, thank your inner vision, and release it. Let it go, and let yourself be naturally guided by the way you want to feel, and not by feelings of “should” or the expectations of others.
  5. The reason that this exercise is so powerful is that research is proving that our brains can’t really distinguish between what we imagine is happening and what is actually happening. Fascinating.

Deepak Chopra, in The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire, says this about intention: “Intention operates outside the boundaries of normal space and time; it is the great organizing and unifying force of the universe; infinite in scope and duration. It allows us to imagine beyond the boundaries of what the local mind sees as “possible, to think” outside the box and to believe in miracles.”

Go ahead and set your goals, visualize your intentions, see yourself living the happy, vibrant life you crave.

I hope you enjoyed this mindful moment. I always love reading your thoughts and comments, so don’t hold back.

Infinite ∞ Love,


Make the Leap

posted in: Uncategorized 1

In today’s Mindful Moment, I wanted to talk about taking a leap of faith.

Taking the leap is one of my superpowers. Call me nieve, call me crazy, call me courageous. They all fit.

Whether it’s launching a new business or adopting another country as my own — what I’ve learned is that the results that come when I face my own fears are almost always greater than I could have ever imagined.

The one thing I know for certain is this… if you really want to change your life, YOU HAVE TO TAKE THE LEAP. And that means facing the fear of the unknown.

Taking the leap requires the CONVICTION that something has to change.

Taking the leap requires FAITH in yourself and the fundamental trust in the vision of who, what and where you want to be in the future.

It involves the BELIEF that good things will happen when you change your life.

I also know this… if you didn’t have doubts, it wouldn’t require a leap of faith, now would it?

I’m here to help you leap into your greatest year yet. Get in touch and I’ll share how.

Thanks for reading this mindful moment. I hope you took away something of value from it. I always welcome your thoughts or comments, so don’t hold back.

Infinite ∞ Love,


4 Things to Consider If You’re Not Manifesting Your Desires

posted in: Uncategorized 54

In today’s mindful moment, I wanted to share with you some of the reasons that you might continue to stay stuck, unable to manifest your biggest desires. There are a lot of articles on manifesting available on the internet, but these are 4 things I feel are important to consider as you look inside to what’s been holding you back.

My business coach teaches that taking small imperfect actions every day is the key to moving our big visions forward. After working with him for the past two years, I see that this is, perhaps, the most important lesson I’ve learned.

As I look back on every big vision that I’ve manifested, I can clearly see that it was the small, imperfect actions that I took every day that moved me towards creating that which I desired.

So here are 4 things to consider if you’re not manifesting your desires.

1. Perfectionism.
I have a number of clients who don’t allow themselves to move forward unless they know 100% that what they do will be perfect. One client wants to change her direction and become an artist, after a career of delivering perfect software products.

When we hold on to the expectation of perfection, we prevent ourselves from taking risks, trying something new, and don’t move the needle forward for fear of being less than perfect.

2. Procrastination.
Another outwardly successful client wants to manifest a higher income to create greater financial security in her life. The number one thing that stops her is procrastination. She allows procrastination to get between her and her goal. The thing about procrastination is that it has a sneaky way of keeping you busy without allowing you to be productive.

3. Distraction.
Similar to procrastination, distraction effects most of us today. With the cell phone sending alerts every few minutes, to continuously updated social media streams, distraction is all around and an easy trap to fall into. My business coach has given me the gift of the power hour. A one hour block of time to focus on one important task. Silence your phone, set a timer and push distraction away for the hour.

4. Trapped Emotions.
Emotions like anxiety, grief, overwhelm, helplessness, unworthiness and many more can get trapped in the body and cause a great amount of unconscious self-sabotage, and even physical disease. These trapped emotions are keeping us sick and holding us back from living the life we desire. When we clear these trapped emotions, we unlock better health, better relationships, and better abundance in all areas of our life, and that includes manifesting our juicy passion and purpose.

So, let’s circle back around to the wise words of my business coach Bill Baren… “Imperfect action is better than NO action.”

If you’re ready to fully activate your manifesting mojo for 2019, join me in Panama for the IGNITE 2019 retreat January 11-14. Activate your audacious dreams and take inspired action to create your extraordinary life in 2019. Use code MM20 and receive 20% every retreat packages from now through December 18. This is my holiday gift to you, dear reader.

Thanks for reading this mindful moment. I hope you took away something of value from it. I always welcome your thoughts or comments, so don’t hold back.

Infinite ∞ Love,

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